may now fitly approach our second great term, Faith, and ask ourselves,
What does it mean? As with Justification, so with Faith, we may best
approach the answer by first asking, What does Faith mean in common life
and speech? Take such phrases as, to have faith in a policy, faith in a remedy,
faith in a political leader, or a military leader, faith in a lawyer, faith
in a physician. Here the word Faith is used in a way obviously parallel to
that in which, for example, our Lord uses it when He appeals to the Apostles,
in the Gospels, to have faith in Him; as He did in the storm on the
is it not plain that the word means, to all practical intents and purposes,
trust, reliance? Is not this obvious without comment when a sick man
sends for the physician in whom he has faith, and when the soldier follows,
perhaps literally in utter darkness, the general in whom he has faith?
Reliance upon thing or person supposed to be trustworthy, this is Faith.
note a further aspect of the word. Faith, in actual common use, tends to mean
a practical confidence. Rarely, if ever, do we use it of a mere opinion, however
distinct, lying passive in the mind. To have faith in a commander does
not mean merely to entertain a conviction, a belief, however positive, that
he is skillful and competent. We may entertain such a belief about the commander
of the enemy — with very unpleasant
impressions on our
minds in consequence. We may be confident that he is a great
general in a sense
the very opposite to a personal confidence in him. No, to have faith in
a commander implies a view of him in which we either actually do, or are
quite ready to, trust ourselves and our cause to his command. And just the
same is true of faith in a divine Promise, faith in a divine Redeemer. It means
a reliance, genuine and practical. It means a putting of ourselves and our
needs, in personal reliance, into His hands.
in passing, we observe that Faith accordingly always implies an element,
more or less, of the dark, of the unknown. Where everything is, so to
speak, visible to the heart and mind there scarcely can be Faith. I am on a
dangerous piece of water, in a boat, with a skilled and experienced boatman.
I cross it, not without tremor perhaps, but with faith. Here faith is
exercised on a trustworthy and known object, the boatman. But it is exercised
regarding what are more or less, to me, uncertain circumstances, the
amount of peril, and the way to handle the boat in it. Were there no uncertain
circumstances my opinion of the boatman would not be faith, but mere
opinion; estimate, not reliance.
illustration suggests the remark that Faith, as concerned with our salvation,
needs a certain and trustworthy Object, even Jesus Christ. Having
Him, we have the right condition for exercising Faith, reliance in the
dark, trust in His skill and power on our behalf in unknown or mysterious
seems well to remark here on that great sentence, Hebrews 11:1, sometimes
quoted as a definition of Faith: "Now faith is certainty of things hoped
for, proof of things not seen." If this is a definition, properly speaking,
it must negative the simple definition of Faith which we have arrived
at above, namely, reliance. For it leads us towards a totally different region
of thought, and suggests, what many religious thinkers have held, that
Faith is as it were a mysterious spiritual sense, a subtle power of touching
and feeling the unseen and eternal, a "vision and a faculty divine," almost
a "second-sight" in the soul. We on the contrary maintain that it is always
the same thing in itself, whether concerned with common or with spiritual
things, namely, reliance, reposed on a trustworthy object, and exercised
more or less in the dark. The other view would look on Faith (in things
spiritual) rather as a faculty in itself than as an attitude towards an Object.
The thought is thus more engaged with Faith’s
own latent power
than with the power and truth of a Promiser. Now on this I
remark, first, that
the words of Hebrews 11:1 scarcely read like a definition at all. For a
definition is a description which fits the thing defined and it alone, so that tile
thing is fixed and settled by the description. But the words "certainty of things
hoped for, proof of things not Seen," are not exclusively applicable to
Faith. They would be equally fit to describe, for example, God’s promises
in their power. For they are able to make the hoped-for certain and
the unseen visible.
this is just what we take the words to mean as a description of Faith. They
do not define Faith in itself; they describe it in its power, They are the sort
of statement we make when we say, Knowledge is power. That is not a
definition of knowledge, by any means. It is a description of it in one of its
great effects.
whole chapter, Hebrews 11, illustrates this, and, as it seems to me, confirms
our simple definition of Faith. Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses —
they all treated the hoped-for and the unseen as solid and certain because they
all relied upon the faithful Promiser. Their victories were mysteriously great,
their lives were related vitally to the Unseen. But the action to this end
was on their part sublimely simple. It was reliance on the Promiser. It was
taking God at His Word.
remember a friend of mine, many years ago, complaining of the skeptical irreverence
of a then lecturer at
is all-important to remember alike this simplicity of definition and this grandeur
of effect in the matter of Faith. It is all-important in the great question
of our salvation. Here on the one side is an action of the mind and will,
in itself perfectly simple, capable of the very homeliest illustration. We all
know what reliance means. Well, Faith is reliance. But then, when the reliance
is directed upon an Object infinitely great and good, when it reposes
upon God in Christ, upon Him in His promise, His fidelity, His love,
upon His very Self, what is not this reliance in its effects? It is the creature
laying hold upon the Creator. It is our reception of God Himself in His
Word. So, it is the putting ourselves in the way of His own almighty action
in the fulfilment of His Word, in the keeping of His promise. "The
virtue of Faith lies in the virtue of its Object." That Object, in this matter
of Justification, so the Scriptures assure us abundantly and with the utmost
clearness, is our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who died for us and rose
the simplest reliance, so it be sincere, is our point of contact with infinite
resources. When lately the Vast dam of the Nile was completed, with
all its giant sluices, there needed but the touch of a finger on an electric
button to swing majestically open the gates of the barrier and so to let
through the Nile in all its mass and might. There was the simplest possible
contact. But it was contact with forces and appliances adequate to control
or liberate at pleasure the great river. So Faith, in reliance of the soul,
the soul perhaps of the child, perhaps of the peasant, perhaps of the outcast,
is only a reliant look, a reliant touch. But it sets up contact with JESUS
CHRIST, in all His greatness, in His grace, merit, saving power, eternal
momentous issue from this reflection is as follows: We are here warned
off from the temptation to erect Faith into a Saviour, to rest our reliance
upon our Faith, if I may put it so. That is a real temptation to many.
Hearing, and fully thinking, that to be justified we must have Faith, they,
we, are soon occupied with an anxious analysis of our Faith. Do I trust
enough? Is my reliance satisfactory in kind and quantity? But if saving Faith
is, in its essence, simply a reliant attitude, then the question of its effect
and virtue is at once shifted to the question of the adequacy of its Object.
The man then is drawn to ask, not, Do I rely enough? but, Is Jesus Christ
great enough, and gracious enough, for me to rely upon? The introspective
microscope is laid down. The soul’s
open eyes turn upward to the face of our Lord Jesus Christ; and Faith
forgets itself in its own proper action. In other words, the man relies
instinctively upon an Object seen to be so magnificently, so supremely, able
to sustain him. His feet are on the Rock, and he knows it, not by feeling for
his feet, but by feeling the Rock.
let us note that Faith, thus seen to be reliance, is obviously a thing as different
as possible from merit. No one in common life thinks of a well placed reliance
as meritorious. It is right, but not righteous. It does not make
a man deserving of rescue when, being in imminent danger, he implicitly
accepts the guidance of his rescuer. And the man who, discovering
himself, in the old-fashioned way (the way as old as David before
Nathan, Isaiah in the vision, the publican in the temple, the jailor at Philippi,
Augustine at Milan), to be a guilty sinner, whose "mouth is shut" before
God, relies upon Christ as his all for pardon and peace, certainly does
not merit anything for closing with his own salvation. He deserves nothing
by the act of accepting all.
says Richard Hooker, in that great "Discourse" of his on Justification,
"doth justify the believing man, yet not for the worthiness of his
belief but for the worthiness of Him which is believed." (A Discourse of Justification,"
Chap. 33.) So it is not our attitude which we rely on. Our attitude
is just our reliance. And reliance means the going out upon Another
for repose.
for all let us remember that we may make the falsest use, even under the
truest definitions, of both ideas, Justification and Faith. We may think of
either of them as the object of our hope, the ultimate cause of our salvation.
So thought of, they are phantoms, nay, they are idols. Seen truly, they
are but expressions for Jesus Christ our Lord as He is given and taken. Justification
is no Saviour, nor is Faith. Justification by Faith —
what is it? It
is the acceptance of the guilty by reason of a Trusted Christ.
now we may take up the question of that middle and connective word in
our title, "by." Justification by Faith, what does it mean? This
divine welcome
of the guilty as if they were not guilty, by reliance upon Jesus Christ,
what have we to think about this?
have seen a moment ago that one meaning most certainly cannot be borne
by the word "by." It cannot mean "on account of," as if
Faith were a valuable
consideration which entitled us to Justification. The surrendering rebel
is not amnestied because of the valuable consideration of his surrender,
but because of the grace of the sovereign or state which amnesties.
On the other hand, his surrender is the necessary means to the amnesty
becoming actually his: It is his only proper attitude (in a supposed case
of unlawful rebellion) towards the offended power. That power cannot,
in the nature of things, make peace with a subject who is in a wrong
attitude towards it. It wishes him well, or it would not provide amnesty.
But it cannot make peace with him while he declines the provision.
Surrender is accordingly not the price paid for peace, but it is nevertheless
the open hand necessary to appropriate the gift of it.
a fair measure this illustrates our word "by" in the matter of
Justification by
Faith. Faith, reliance, is, from one side, just the sinful man’s
"coming in" to accept the sacred amnesty of God in Christ,
taking at His Word his benignant King. It is the rebel’s
putting himself into right relations with his offended Lord in this
great matter of forgiveness and acceptance .... It is not
a virtue, not a merit, but a proper means.
word "by," per, lends itself meantime to the expression of another aspect
of the subject. One of the great problems attaching to the mighty truth
of Christ our Righteousness, our Merit, our Acceptance, is that of the nexus,
the bond, which so draws us and Him together that, not in fiction but
in fact, our load can pass over to Him and His wealth to us. The New Testament
largely teaches, what lies assuredly in the very nature of things, as
it puts the facts of salvation before us, that we enter "into"
Christ. we come
to be "in" Him, we get part and lot in the life eternal, which is in
Him alone,
by Faith. "He gave power to become the sons of God, to them that believed
on His Name." "Believing, we have life in His Name" (John 1:12;
20:31). Faith is our soul-contact with the Son of God, setting up (upon
our side) that union with Him in His life of which Scripture is so full.
thus it is open to us, surely, to say that Justification by Faith means, from
one momentous aspect, Justification because of the Christ with whom through
Faith we are made mysteriously but truly one. Believing, we are one
with Him, one in the common life with which the living members live with
the Head, by the power of His Spirit. One with Him in life, we are therefore,
by no mere legal fiction but in vital fact, capable of oneness with Him
in interest also.
says Bishop Hopkins of