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Thomas, E. H. (Colonel)

16:83 (Letter, Election Within an Election); 18:19, 29,69,77,89,115,123; 19:16,65,123

Topping, W. Hayes (St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.)

15:77, 89, 102, 114 (The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia)

Townsend (Rev., Dr., Vicar of St. Marks, Tunbridge Wells)

3:77 (From A Bright To-Morrow)

Trench, George F. (of Ardfert, Ireland)

1:62 (Millennial Lights and Shadows), 124 (Blessed Hope), 157, 198 (Letter, Trench, George J.); 4:29,89 (Structure of 1 Tim.),140 (Letter)

Tucker-Broad, W. (Head of The College, Brampton, Carlisle)

6:107 (Letter, A Personal Experience, vs. Higher Criticism); 12:41, 54 (The Coming Kingdom)

Tyndale, William

19:95 (on "The Parable of the Wicked Mammon”)

Urquhart, J. (Rev., of Weston-Super-Mare, Editor of "The King’s Own” and "Word and Work”)

1:146 (The "Difficulties” of Scripture, A Proof of its Inspiration, at the Liverpool Conference, Nov. 1894)

van Someren, G. J. (Colonel)

19:17, 56; 20:54,63,77,87,102,112,126,139;

21:6, 27 (Book of Daniel), 81 (Resurrection)

von Bogatzky, C. H.

19:129 (Concerning Holy Scripture)

W. G. (from New York, U. S. A.)

15:5, 17, 29 (Thou Art Peter)

W. H. S.

9:44 (from Trusting and Toiling, in Things New and Old)

W. C. M.

21:116 (When Does "The Rapture” Take Place?)

W. M.

6:43 (Letter, Apostolic Ministry, in Things New and Old)

Washington, M. (Rev., M.A., Rector of Staple Fitzpaine)

4:6 (The Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ: Are There Two Distinct Phases in His Second Advent?)

Watson, Alfred Stacy

7:18, 56, 67, 127; 21:3 (The World’s Dominion, A Kaiser Dream, from Vol. 7, Vide Daily Papers)

Watson, William

16:119 (Poem, criticizing Man’s Science)

Watts, Isaac

20:32 (Poem, "Spoke by His Son”, Rev. 19:10, Heb. 1:1); 21:11 (Poem, "These Words”, in Ten Lines, Ex. 20:1-17)

Waugh, Thomas (Rev.)

15:127; 16:6; 19:129 (The Coming of the Lord)

Webb-People, H. W. (Vicar of St. Paul’s, Onslow Square, President of The Barbican Mission to the Jews, 1903)

10:72 (Letter, Report of the Barbican Mission to the Jews)

Welch, Charles H. (Dispensational Expositions)

15:27,43,57,65,80,92,104,115,124,137; 16:7,19,31, 43,55,66,79,91,102,114,128,138; 17:18,28,43,53, 65,79,103,113,126,138; 18:33,44,54,67,80,91,104, 117,126,141; 19:5,19,33,42,53,68,79,91,112,137; 20:15,39,65,111; 21:17,44,65,86,141 (in Ephesians)

Weldon, F. W. (Colonel, Indian Staff Corps.)

9:20 (critics to the cult called Christian Science)

West (Dr.)

1:157 (On John Wesley and Pre-Millennialism)

Westminster Confession of Faith

3:116 (in Selected Gleanings)

Whitfield, Frederick

3:9 (Poem, Rest!)

Wilkinson, John (Rev.)

1:104; 2:72; 3:40; 4:125, 137

Wilson, Charles (Sir)

3:115 (from the Quarterly Statement)

Windham, G. F. (Bembridge, Isle-of-Wight )

1:174 (Letter, three things after Jesus); 2:187 (Windham, G. S., Letter, To Whom the Epistles?)

Witherspoon, T. D. (D. D.)

2:88 (from the Homiletic Review)

"Women’s Ministry”

12:9 (Question No. 376)

Wood, John (Esq.)

4:31 (Are There Two Distinct Phases in The Second Coming of our Lord?, a Prophetical Conference)


1:173 (Little Children, 1 Jn. 2:28)

Last Review: February 12, 2004.

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