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Ethelbert W. Bullinger was born in Canterbury, England, in 1837, and died on June 6, 1913. He was 75 years old. Juanita S. Carey wrote his Biography quoting many references to be found only in Bullinger's personal diary. He was a chorister of Canterbury Cathedral, Bullinger later studied music with John Hullah and William Monk. He was a Greek and Hebrew scholar, and the Archbishop of Canterbury awarded him the honorary Lambeth D.D. in 1881 through recommendation of the Queen of England.

In the Back Cover of her book, Carey wrote: E.W. Bullinger continues to be recognized as one of the great Bible scholars of the early twentieth century. Bullinger's comprehensive and detailed study of figures of speech in the Bible has never been superseded. His Bible commentaries, Greek lexicon, textual notes, and numerous expositional studies continue to inform students of the Scriptures. Behind his many interesting scholarly works, however, is the engaging life story of a young chorister from Canterbuy Cathedral whose voice would be heard around the world through the printed page.

Chronological List of Some of the Valuable Works done by Dr. E. W. Bullinger:

The Articles were published in Things to Come, it is assumed also that Dr. Bullinger wrote the profuse editorials, and all the sub-sections of the Journal, like Notes and Notices, Questions and Answers, The Signs of The Times (the news of that time at the light of Bullinger's Biblical understanding), etc (those are not included in the next list). The publishers mentioned are the most recent.

1872 (Editor) Portuguese Reference Bible. Trinitarian Bible Society.

1880 Pamphlet. The Importance of Accuracy in the Study of Holy Scripture. (Material gathered later also in his classic How To Enjoy The Bible)

1880 Music. Hymns for the Waiting Church.

1881 Music. The Stars are Shining Bright and Clear. Carol (for Christmas), The Parish Choir, no. 150, p. 598, Medford.

1887 Book. A Critical Lexicon and Concordance to the English and Greek New Testament.

1887 Pamphlet. Ten Sermons on the Second Advent (later title: Minor Works). Sermons preached in Oxford, November. (HTML Online , HTML Zip , TXT Zip , DOC Zip , PDF Zip)

1887 Pamphlet. The Second Advent in Relation to the Jew. Ch. VII of Minor Works.

1889 Pamphlet. God's Purpose in Israel: In History, Type and Prophecy. Address at Mildmay Conference, London, October.

1889 Pamphlet. The Name of Jehovah in the Book of Esther. (Brief in Appendix 60)

1889 Music. Fifty Original Hymn-Tunes.

1889 Music. Hymns for Bible Reading.

1889 Music. Hymns on the Second Advent.

1889 Music. Sixty-Six Old Breton Tunes (also titled Chants Chretien).

1890 Pamphlet. The Inspiration and Authority of Holy Scripture. Address at National Protestant Congress, London.

1890 (Editor) A Key to the Psalms, by Rev. Thomas Boys, M. A.

1891 Pamphlet. The Spirits in Prison: An Exposition of 1 Peter 3:17-4:6.

1892 Pamphlet. Christ's Prophetic Teaching in Relation to the Divine Order of His Words and Works.

1892 Pamphlet. The Kingdom and The Church: or, The Parables of Matthew 13. (Brief in Appendix 113)

1892 Pamphlet. The New Creation and The Old: or, The Ways of God in Grace. Address at Mildmay Conference, London, June. (Material of it also included in the Two Natures)

1892 Pamphlet. The Ways of God in Grace, Illustrated by the Ways of God in Creation (A Bible Reading � June 23).

1893 Book. The witness of the Stars. Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Mich. (HTML Online , HTML Zip , TXT Zip , DOC Zip , PDF Zip, Pictures of the Book) (Brief compendium found in Appendix 12 of Bullinger's "Companion Bible")

1893 Pamphlet. Things to Come: An Epitome of Prophetic Truth.

1893 (Editor) Rome's Tactics: or, A Lesson for England from the Past, by William Goode, D. D.

1894 Book. Number in Scripture: Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significance. Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Mich. (HTML Online , HTML Zip and DOC Zip of all the book to study it off line) (End of Chapter 2)

1894 Journal. Things to Come: A Journal of Biblical Literature. Vol. I - Vol. XXI.

1894 Articles. The Epistle to the Romans and the False Gospels of To-day.

1894 Articles. The Name and Order of the Books of the Old Testament.

1894 Article. The Purpose of the Ages. Address at Nottingham Conference, May. (Brief in Appendix 198)

1894 Article. Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth. Address at Carlisle Conference, May. (Briefly in Right Division, and in he Part I.III of the book How to Enjoy the Bible)

1894 Article. The Seventy Weeks. Address at Glasgow Conference, June. (Briefly in Appendix 91)

1894 Article. Tatian's Diatessaron.

1895 Pamphlet. Also: A Bible Study on the Usage of This Word in the New Testament. American Christian Press, New Knoxville, Ohio.

1895 Pamphlet. Sunday School Lessons. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Series.

1895 Article. Fulfilled Prophecy: Edom. Address at York Conference, May.

1895 Article. The Practical Power of Our Hope. Address at Liverpool Conference, Nov.

1895 Article. The Use of the Divine Titles: A Proof of Inspiration. Address at Keswick Conference, Jul. (see below)

1895 Poem. He Gives in Sleep (in Things to Come).

1896 Pamphlet. Holiness: God's Way Better Than Man's.

1896 Pamphlet. The Man of God: 2 Tim. 3:16-17. (Brief in Appendix 49)

1896 Pamphlet. Sunday School Lessons. 4th Series.

1896 Articles and Pamphlet. The Divine Names and Titles. Jeffrey S. Bowman, 17692 Flintstone Lane, Huntington Beach, Calif. (Brief in Appendix 4)

1896 Article. Was Peter Ever at Rome?

1897 Pamphlet. The Massorah. (Brief in Appendix 30)

1897 Pamphlet. Sunday School Lessons. 5th Series.

1897 Article. By Me Kings Reign. Sermon preached at St. Stephen�s Church, Walthamstow, Trinity Sunday Morning, 1886.

1897 Article. First and Last Words in Scripture.

1897 Articles. The Hope of His Calling. Address at Mildmay Conference, Oct. 1896.

1897 Articles. The Structure of the Books of the Bible. (Brief in Appendix 1 of the Old Testament)

1897 Article. The Structure of the Books of the New Testament.

1897 (Editor) Holy Scripture: The Sole Authoritative Expositor of Divine Truth, by William Goode, D. D.

1898 Book. Figures of Speech Used in the Bible. Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich. (Brief compendium found in Appendix 6 of Bullinger's 'Companion Bible')

1898 Pamphlet. Intoned Prayers and Musical Services: Are They in Harmony with the Worship of God 'in Spirit and in Truth'? Address at Evangelical Protestant Union, Manchester, Oct. 1898.

1898 Articles. The Church Epistles. Chapters 1, 2, and Conclusion. The Word Inc., G.P.O. Box 450, Adelaide, South Australia. (see below, the same as in the book)

1898 Article. The Fixing of Dates.

1898 Article. The Last Seven-fold Command of Christ.

1898 Article The Seven Church Epistles As a Whole: Their Interrelations. (SHTML Online).

1898 Article. The sufferings and The Glory: or, The Transfiguration and Its Lessons. Address at Prophecy conference, Keswick, Jul. 1895.

1898 Article. This is My Body.

1898 Article. What Is the Spirit Saying to the Churches?

1899 Article. Anglo-Israelism: The Root of Its Error. Address at Prophetic Conference, n.d.

1899 Article. Be Perfect.

1899 Article. The Dispensational Position of John's Gospel: or, The Fig, the Olive, and the Vine.

1899 Article. The Guilty by No Means Cleared.

1899 Article. Made Meet.

1899 Articles. Rationalism and Its Relation to Romanism. Address at National Protestant Congress, Manchester, Nov.

1899 Article. The Royal Road to Holiness.

1899 Article. Sanctification.

1899 Article. Where We Ought to Worship.

1900 Pamphlet. The Vision of Isaiah: Its Structure and Scope. Jeffrey S. Bowman, 17692 Flintstone Lane, Huntington Beach, Calif.

1900 Article. Far Off and Made Nigh.

1900 Articles. Papers on the Apocalypse: Fifteen Preliminary Points. (The same as the Book, see below)

1900 Article. Perfection.

1900 Article. Truth for Times of Trouble.

1900 Article. Where is He?

1900 Music. Hymns for Christian Conferences.

1901 Article. Knowing Christ after the Flesh.

1901 Article. Papers on the Apocalypse. (The same as the Book, see below)

1901 Article. The Paulicians: A Lesson from the Past.

1901 Article. The Zionist Medal and What it Teaches Us.

1902 Book. The Apocalypse or, The Day of the Lord (see Articles, 1900-1901; new title: Commentary on Revelation). Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Mich. (HTML Online , HTML Online of Bullinger's translation of the Book of Revelation , HTML Zip , DOC Zip , PDF Zip)

1902 Book. The Church Epistles (see Articles, 1898). (SHTML Online)

1902 Pamphlet. The Rich Man and Lazarus: or, The Intermediate State? (HTML, PDF and DOC Online).

1902 Articles. The Christian's Greatest Need. Berean Pub. Trust, Brittania Warehose, Cranleigh, Surrey. (SHTML Online)

1902 Article. The Great Conflict of the Ages: Gen 3:15-Rev. 20:10.

1902 Article. The Potter's House.

1902 Article. Sheol. (Brief in Appendix 35)

1903 Article. A Bible Acrostic.

1903 Article. The Darius Papyrus (with later corrections).

1903 Article. The Divine Plan of the Ages. Address at Mildmay Conference, London, 1902. (Brief in Appendix 198, as before)

1903 Article. The Fallacies of Evolution. (In Appendix 5, and Brief)

1903 Articles. Hades.

1903 Articles. The Oldest Lesson in the World: or, The End of the Lord as Seen in the Book of Job. Scripture Research Inc., P.O. Box 518, Atascadero, Calif.

1903 Articles. "S" and "s": The Use and Usage of the Word "Pneuma" (Spirit) in the New Testament.

1904 Pamphlet. Four Prophetic Periods: A Key to the "Things Which Must Shortly Come to Pass" (rev. ed.)

1904 Article. Christian Evolution?

1904 Articles. The Gospel of the Kingdom: As Set Forth in the Parables of the Sower, the Dinner, and the Supper.

1904 Articles. The Titles of the Psalms. (Brief in Appendix 65)

1904 Articles. The Two Prayers in the Epistle to the Ephesians.

1905 Book. The Giver and His Gifts (see 1903, "S" and "s"; new title: Word Studies on the Holy Spirit). Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Mich. Chap. 1, 2, and Appendix. The Word Inc., G.P.O. Box 450, Adelaide, South Australia.

1905 Pamphlet. Jehoshaphat: A Lesson for Our Times.

1905 Pamphlet. The Resurrection of the Body.

1905 Pamphlet. Sheol and Hades: Their Meaning and Usage in the Word of God (see 1902-1903 Articles).

1905 Article. God's Building.

1905 Article. The Laws of Correspondence in Holy Scripture.

1905 Articles. The Two Natures in the Child of God. Truth For Today, Lafayette, Ind. (HTM Online)

1905 Articles. The Zionist Movement in Its Relation to Prophecy. Address at Prophecy Investigation Society, London, Apr. 1904.

1906 Article. The Knowledge of God.

1906 Article. Leaven: Its Biblical Usage and Interpretation.

1906 Article. The Sons of God. (Brief in Appendix 23)

1906 Article. The Vail.

1907 Book. How To Enjoy the Bible. American Christian Press, New Knoxville, Ohio. (HTML Online , HTML Zip, TXT Zip)

1907 Pamphlet. The Lord's Prayer: Its Dispensational Place and Interpretation.

1907 Article. The Good Deposit: or, Paratheke.

1907 Articles. Hebrews 11. (Introduction and Chapter 1, see below)

1907 Articles. The Lord's Day: Rev. 1:10. Address at Prophecy Inv. Soc., London, Nov. 1906.

1907 Articles. The Pauline Epistles: The Dispensational Teaching of Their Chronological Order. (see above)

1907 Articles. The Songs of Degrees. (Brief in App. 63, 64, 65, 66)

1908 Book. The Chief Musician: or, Studies in the Psalms and Their Titles (see 1904, The Titles of the Psalms, and 1907, The Songs of Degrees). Truth For Today, Lafayette, Ind.

1908 Article. Canonical and Chronological Order of Scripture: Samuel and Jeremiah.

1908 Article. Try the Spirits.

1909 Book. The Companion Bible. Part I. Pentateuch.

1909 Article. The Doxology of Romans (16:25-27). [Note from Companion Bible:]

1909 Article. The Selah in Psalm 44 (see 1908, The Chief Musician).

1909 Articles. The Selah of Psalms 46, 47, 48 (see 1908, The Chief Musician).

1910 Book. The Companion Bible. Part II. Joshua to Job.

1910 Book. The Story of the Breton Mission.

1910 Article. The Site of Zion.

1910 Review. Trusting God in Sickness: A Review of Two Pamphlets, by Philip Mauro.

1910 Review. When Did This Dispensation Begin, by Ada B. Habershon.

1911 Book. The Companion Bible. Part III. Psalms to Song of Solomon.

1911 Book. Great Cloud of Witnesses in Hebrews Eleven (see 1907, Hebrews 11). Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Mich. (Introduction and Chapter One , the Nephilim)

1911 Article. Alnwick and Glanton.

1911 Article. The Breaking of Bread.

1911 Article. Difficulties in Dispensational Teaching.

1911 Articles. The Lord Hath Spoken: The Foundations of Dispensational Truth.

1912 Book. The Companion Bible. Part IV. Isaiah to Malachi.


1914 Book. The Companion Bible. Part V. The Four Gospels.

1914 Article. Abraham Believed God. (SHTML Online)

1914 Article. The Accomplished Decease.

1914 Article. The Christian's Standing, Object, and Hope. (SHTML Online)

1914 Article. Crucified with Christ. (SHTML Online)

1914 Article. The Cursing of Balak and the Blessing of God.

1914 Articles. The Dispensational Plan of the Bible.

1914 Article. Following Hard. (SHTML Online)

1914 Article. I Am Black: I Am Vile. I Am Undone.

1914 Article. Mephibosheth: or, the Kindness of God.

1914 Article. Nehemiah: or, the Kindness of God.

1914 Article. Peter's Fall and Peter's Recovery.

1914 Article. They Sang His Praise. The Soon Forgot His Works. (SHTML Online)

1914 Article. Thou Remainest.

1914 Article. Three Attitudes and Utterances of David.

1914 Article. Truth for the Day of Trouble.

1915 Article. Athaliah and Jehosheba.

1915 Article. The Days of the Upright.

1915 Article. Divine Promotion and Preservation.

1915 Article. Earth's Curse and Its Removal.

1915 Article. Five Postulates for Interpretation.

1915 Article. A New Creation. (SHTML Online)

1915 Article. The One Sacrifice.

1915 Article. The Pharisee and the Publican.

1915 Article. Praise for Divine Goodness. (SHTML Online)

1915 Article. Stablished-Strengthened-Settled. (SHTML Online)

1915 Article. The Woman of Canaan.

1921 Book. The Companion Bible. Part VI. Acts to Revelation.

1922 Book. The Companion Bible. Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Mich. (Appendixes to the Companion Bible:


Book. The Foundations of Dispensational Truth (see 1911, The Lord Hath Spoken) Truth For Today, Lafayette, Ind.

Book. Selected Writings.

Music. A Prayer Hymn for Those in Active Service. Arr. By George Arthur Clarke, Boston, Mass. Whittemore Associates, 1942. Words by Isabella Stephenson. Music by Ethelbert William Bullinger.

At various times, collections of the pamphlets were privately printed in book form.



Carey, J. S., 2000, E. W. Bullinger, A Biography, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Mich., 281 p.


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