Chapter 88.
man, I believe, if asked to record his own spiritual experiences, would
be ready to acknowledge that in his case at least while he owes very much
to the holy zeal of some beloved relation or friend —
the work of the
Holy Spirit was so wonderfully carried on that none but
Divine wisdom could
possibly have met and overcome the needs which arose from day to day,
from the moment that he was first "convinced" or convicted "of
sin" and
made to realize his true position before God. At all events, in seeking to
record my own personal experiences (as I have been earnestly requested to
do, or I would never have thought of so writing) I can only marvel and rejoice
at the wonderful way in which God so graciously provided for my spiritual
wants as they arose. The one real wonder in such a case is that the love
of God could continue to exhibit itself towards one who so ungratefully
sought to resist it, till at length He has enabled "even me" to say
from the heart:
"Higher than the highest heaven, Deeper
than the deepest sea, Lord, Thy love at last hath
None of self, and all of Thee."
my honored parents I owe practically more than I can tell. From my earliest
youth I had every spiritual advantage and help. I cannot doubt that, in
after days, the instruction received from both their words and example did
tend to make me obedient to the voice of God in my soul. Indeed, I could
never give way to temptation without sore prickings of conscience; and
especially after my confirmation (for which I was prepared by Dr. Boyd,
afterwards Dean of Exeter) I went through pains and sorrows for a time
whenever I had sinned against the light.
neither warnings nor pleadings had any lasting effects, till at length in the
autumn of 1856, while I was residing with Mr. Jenkins, Vicar of Hazlewood,
Derbyshire, as a private pupil before going to
invitation was with a purpose — for he was even then
"a master" in soul winning; and though I cannot now remember
any particular arguments that he used, I know that he sent me to my room
deeply moved with the sense of my own folly and sin in giving my life
to the world instead of to God. Next morning he gave me a Bible (for I had
not, I believe, taken one to my tutor’s),
after writing in it the words of
Osmaston Manor I drove to the town of
I reached the course the gates were closed to allow a race being run without
danger of interruption, and as I came to those gates the horses dashed
by, and I saw the only horse-race I have ever witnessed in my life. At
that moment a young man — almost as young as
myself — touched his hat
and, holding out a small piece of paper to me, said, "I beg pardon, sir; would
you kindly read this?" I thought that he wanted me to read it for him,
so I took it and looked at it as if to help him. What was my astonishment to find
only these (printed) words on the paper: "Reader, if you died
tonight, would your soul be IN HELL?" I simply turned and fled like a terrified
coward (as I was), no longer thinking of the races, but only how to escape
from the judgment of God and from the awful grasp of the devil, both of
which seemed to be equally terrible.
had some six or seven miles to go to my tutor’s,
but I believe I
accomplished this distance (uphill) in an hour, so eager was
I to flee from the
wrath that I had invoked. But still, as it will be observed, I was only convicted
of my own folly, and was not resting my soul on Christ. "By the law
is the knowledge of sin," and "The law is our schoolmaster to bring
us to
Christ." "Knowing the terrors of the law" God had, through His messenger,
"persuaded me" so far that I was utterly ashamed of the past; but
though the impression was deep, I dare not say what would have happened
if the good Lord had not raised up in a remarkable way other helpers
for my soul.
tutor’s kind words now began to impress me, and
my good friend Henry
Wright wrote me beautiful letters; but (for the few weeks that remained
before I was to meet the temptations of
two or three days after my experience in
could I resist the voice of grace, mercy and peace? Thank
God, I did not! I went regularly and often, for the short time that remained,
to read the Word of God arid to pray with my young friend; and though
I have never seen him or the stranger of Derby again, I feel it only a duty
and a privilege to acknowledge (when asked to narrate my conversion)
how much under God I owe to His two humble messengers.
was the life consistent and spiritual ever afterwards? I am asked. Alas, no!
There were many ups and downs, and many declensions from grace. So
weak did the Lord see His servant to be, that in mercy and love He had to
save me from temptation by allowing a terrible fall of some fifteen or sixteen
feet to take place, when I was showing off as champion gymnast soon
after I went up to Cambridge. From that time I had to spend three years
almost entirely on my couch, passing all my examinations (even that of
my ordination) in a recumbent position. From this I twice rose, as if determined
to have my own way. One year I gained the University cup for high
and broad jumping, and the next I secured the cup for diving and swimming;
but on each occasion I had to go back to my couch to learn of God
for another whole year.
more could be told of the Lord’s merciful dealings
with a sinner; but
what has been said will, I hope, suffice to prove the truth
of the words with
which I opened this account, and also to show how entirely
the work is the
Lord’s, though He deigns to
make use of His human vessels to carry grace to the soul. To Him let me offer my
tribute of thanks, and give all possible glory and praise that He has deigned to
take such a poor sinner and number him among His sons, enabling me to say
with all my heart, "Whereas I was blind, now I see." Jesus Christ is
indeed to me all in all, and "Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift."