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We are not to be held responsible for every expression of our respective Contributors. Our readers must try everything by the Word of God. Many things with which we may not wholly agree are inserted as being either suggestive or worthy of consideration (statement appeared in Things to Come).



A. E. K. (A. E. Knoch)

13:7,20,29,41,54 (Papers On Baptism)

A. M.

9:32 (The Mother of Jesus, in Contributed Articles)

A. S. W.

8:66,79,90,101,114,126,139; 9:8,19 (Daniel's Vision of the Four Imperial World Powers)

A. T.

21:103 (When Does "The Rapture" Take Place?)

A Brahmin Lady

3:71 (Poem, The Secret of His Presence)

A Reader

9:120 (Letter, vs. the criticisms of Dr. A. Berry)

Alves, M.

17:33 (The Messianic Jew, in Things New and Old)

Anderson, Robert (Sir, LL.D., K. C. B., Author of The Coming Prince, Assistant Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis...)

1:73,112,114,118 (R. A.), 120, 121, 160, 201, 214;

2:70,107,169 (The Lordship of Christ),200 (R. A.);

3:19, 46 (Poem, R. A.), 94 (R. A., twice), 113, 125; 4:78,87,125; 5:59 (Letter); 6:66 (on his book The Buddha of Christendom in Things New and Old); 89,101; 7:69 (Answer of R. A.),139 (Answer of A.); 8:32 (two Answers of A.); 10:79,104; 12:78; 13:143; 16:16; 19:129; 21:29

Andrews, S. J.

20:89 (The Coming Antichrist, from Christianity and Anti-Christianity in Their Final Conflict)


2:24,105 (Passover, Red Sea and Jordan); 3:64

"Apostles Creed" (its forgery and additions)

10:168 (Answer in the Editor's Table)

Avil, John (of Philadelphia)

2:26 (Kingdom of Heaven and Kingdom of God)

B. P.

3:104 (Letter); 10:44 (in Contributed Articles)

B. W. E.

10:168 (Islam, the Way of Cain, in Editor's Table)

Bacon, W. H.

21:41,57,79,88,100,115 (Against Spiritism)

Baldwin, E. J.,


2:166, 199, 210; 3:5, 17, 42, 53, 67, 80, 92 (Fresh Studies of Old Truths)

Bambus, W. (Indefatigable Zionist)

5:30 ('Palestinian Statistics')

Banks, J. S. (Prof. Rev., of Headingley College, Leeds)

3:79 (Back to St. Paul, in Selected Gleanings)

Baron, David (Rev.)

4:16 (Israel's Hope, A Bible Study on Psalm 130)

Baxter, Richard

3:31 (On the Second Advent, from his Works)

Baynes, W. C. (of Montreal)

2:211 (The Eden Dispensation)

Beddow, J. J. (Vicar of Drypool, Hull.)

7:91 (No Millennium Without Jesus); 9:91 (For Perilous Times, Provision) [Contributed Articles]

Bernanrd, Canon

3:114 (from his Bampton Lectures)

Birch, W. F. (Rev.)

4:9 (from 'The Prospect from Pisgah')

Bliss, F. J. (Dr., Arqueol.)

3:91 (from the Quarterly Statement), 115 (from the Christian Scotsman); 6:102 ('Menhirs in Palestine' in Things New and Old)

Bonar, Horatius (D. D.)

2:178 (from The Journal of Prophecy); 20:67

'Book of Common Prayer'

2:69 ("Complete the Number of Thine Elect and Hasten Thy Kingdom")

Boston, Thomas

21:34 (What is Regeneration?)

Bowker, H. C. (M.A., Hallowell, Rd., Northwood, Middlesex, Last Editor of Things To Come)

15:136; 17:3,16,41,51,77,100,112,124,135; 18:5,17 (The Gospel of the Glory of Christ), 35; 20:123; 21:Preface ('Approved Unto God')

Boys, Thomas (Rev., M.A.)

2:135 (from A Plain Exposition of the N.T.)

Brookes, James H. (Dr., Editor of The Truth)

3:68 (from The Truth); 20:17 (Christ and the Scriptures)

Brown, David (Rev. Ppal., D.D. of Aberdeen)

1:55, 117 (concerning his Post-Millennarian view)

Browne, C. Orde (Capt.)

3:104 (Letter, Answer to Objections)

Bullinger Clerk, Ethelbert William (Rev., D.D., Editor of Things To Come) [Here we provide just a sample of his Articles, as his work alone can fill a big full index]


2:31,42,46,64,75,88 (Poem, He Gives in Sleep),102,116,142,154; 3:2,14,27,39,50,75,112;




7:2, 6, 14, 16, 26, 29, 38, 41, 50, 53, 62, 65, 74, 77, 86, 90, 100, 112, 124, 134, 135;

8:4, 16, 27, 40, 51, 62, 74, 86, 99, 110, 123, 136;

9:4,16,27,41,49,51,61,63,77,81,87,99,102,103,111, 115, 121, 123, 135, 138;

10:4,9,14,17,19,27,30,39,51,54,61,63,75,76,87,90, 98,101,111,112\3,123,125,128,134,137,139,146, 149,157,158,160,161,163,169,170,172,174,176, 181,183,184,187,193,194,196,199,205,206,209, 210; 11:1,2,4,6,13,15,17,25,26,29,31,37,38,40,46, 50,55,63,65,69,74,75,79,85,89,92,94,97,99,103, 109,110,114,121,123,128,133,140; 19:128 (E. W. B., The Church and the World) etc., etc., etc.

Burgon, Dean

11:19 (Bible Study Method, Publ., Rev. Dr. Waller, Vicar of Little Coxwell, Faringdon, Berks.)

C. E. S.

2:187 (in Notes for Bible Study)

C. H. M.

2:89 (from Notes on Leviticus, Ch. 2)


3:116 (in Selected Gleanings)

Carr, William G. (of Rochester, N. Y.) [Contributor of several Notes for Bible Study]

1:28, 36 (from Spiritual Outlines), 44, 56 (Answer),76,135,156,187; 2:52,126,157,176; 5:16; 12:102,117 (from Vol. 1)

Carter, Mabel L. (Ashmead, Redhill, Surrey)

19:144 (Proposed Memorial)

Chamberlain, George A. B. (Rev., M.A., Hull., Vicar of Buttermere, Cumberland)

4:112; 6:92, 104, 117, 128, 140; 7:34, 57, 77 [those in italics in the section Bible Word Studies]; 20:104;

21:8,19,29,39,51,63,74,104,112,124,136 (The Restoration and Conversion of Israel)

Chislett, Joseph (East Street Chapel, Walworth)

20:7 (Thieves and Consenters With Them, Ps. 50:8)

Cicero (Greek Orator)

1:77 (from On the Nature of the Gods,B.3,Ch.16)

'Clementine Vulgate' (added forgeries)

11:142 (a Note)

Coles, J. J. B. (Rev., M.A.)

19:124 (Order of Events in Unfulfilled Prophecy)

Crisp, T. (D. D., sometime Rector of Brinkworth, Wiltshire. Died, 1642)

4:65 (from Christ Alone Exalted, in Selected Gleanings), 5:128

Crosby, Howard

20:94 (Preach the Word)

Cumming, Elder (Rev. Dr., of Glasgow)

1:5, 108, 174 (from Expository Times); 12:79

D'Avigdor, Sylvie (Daughter of E. H. D'Av.)

1:19 (Poem, from Palestina, of Chovevi Zion)

'Daily Paper'

4:36 (in Signs of the Times)


5:7 (from Darby's Synopsis, in Selected Gleanings)


21:45, 68, 76, 92, 100, 117

'Die Welt' (Official Organ of Zionism)

5:33 ('The Sacred Places' in Signs of the Times)

Dill, R.

1:174 (Letter, objects Dr. Brown's Post-Millennial)

Douglas, Sholto D. C. (Rev., M.A.)

1:45, 137; 2:10; 8:42; 10:213; 12:127 (from Vol. 1)

Driver (Dr.)

5:9 (from International Critical Commentary)

E. O. A. N. D.

3:124, 135 (Dan. and Rev.); 4:2, 18 (Flying Roll and Ephah), 40, 54 (Peopling the Renewed Earth)

E. E. (Oakland, Cal.)

21:53, 67 (The Downfall of Apostate Christendom)

Easton, W. (from New Zealand)

3:88 (in Contributed Articles)

Edison, Thomas Alva (Inventor, U. S. A.)

8:39 (from: Suggestive Therapeutics, in 'Science Falsely So-Called')

Ellis, F. O. (Swampscott, Mass., U. S. A.)

19:41 ('These Three', 1 Cor. 13:13)

Erdman, W. J. (D. D.)

1:196 (Queries from The Truth)

'Expository Times'

4:115 (in Selected Gleanings)

Fausset, Canon (Rev. D.D., of York)

1:42, 141; 2:78; 5:5, 64; 6:54 (O.T. Evidences)

Fairfield, Arthur Rowan

5:89, 101, 112, 126 (critic of C. A. L. Totten)

Field, Samuel

1:216 (Letter, Ezekiel 37-39)

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