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4:57 (from Fountain of Life, in Selected Gleanings)

Forster, Edward W. (M.D., from Malvern Link, and Torquay)

4:24 (Letter), 51 (in Contributed Articles); 11:126 (Resurrection, in Contributed Articles); 12:15,30 (The Hidden Manna),110 (Risen With Christ); 17:58 (The Baghdad Railway, in Signs of the Times)

Fry, H. W.

16:29, 40 (Pentecost); 20:41 (Law and Grace: Distinguishing the Dispensations)

F. W. G.

18:125 (2 Tim. 1:15)

G. F. W.

4:30 (The Three Wells of Gen. 24)

G. J.

5:27 (in Contributed Articles); 6:43 (Letter, in Things New and Old)

G. S. C.

21:55 (Glimpses of the Great Apostle, Paul)

G. S. W.

1:233 (Letter, The Epistle of James)

G. W. H. (in collaboration with J. J. B. C.)

20:79 ("Riches” in Paul’s Epistles)

Gaebelein, Arno C. (Rev., Superintendent of the Hope of Israel Mission, of New York)

4:93 (from The Missionary Review, in Signs of the Times); 20:104 (Prophecy: History Written Beforehand, Dt. 28, from The Fundamentals)

Gaster, Moses (Dr.)

14:45, 58, 82, 107 (The Awakening of Palestine)

George, Thomas, (B.D., Rev., from the Christ Church Lodge, Bromley, Kent) [Contributed Our Monthly Bible Study]

3:91 (Watch!),104,116,127,141 (Christ is All)



Gooch, Fuller (Pastor)

1:68, 102; 2:123; 3:3 (Inspiration of Scriptures); 4:101, 113 (The Bible – Not Tradition, The Rule)

Gordon, A. J. (Dr., of Boston)

2:198; 3:7; 19:129 (The Coming of the Lord)

Graham, T. (Rev., Vicar of Southborough)

6:7, 17, 29 (The Mystery of Iniquity, 2 Thess. 2)

Gray, J. M. (Rev., D. D., Dean of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago)

21:32 ("Perilous Times”, at Hand, from Bibliotheca Sacra)

Griffith-Thomas, W. H. (Rev., M.A., Incumbent of Portman Chapel, W.)

6:9, 19, 32, 44 (from The Record), 56, 68 [all in the section Bible Word Studies]


8:131 ("The Dangers of Spiritualism”, in Signs of the Times)

H. C. B.

21:34 (Review of the Book: "In the Name: The Warrant of Prayer”, by Dr. J. W. Thirtle)

H. L. H.

2:14,33,51,83,95,132,147,159,189,196 (The First Principles of Prophetic Study); 6:18

H. L. M.

16:113 (Apostles: Of the Lamb and of Christ)

H. W. (Watchword and Truth, Boston, U. S. A.)

19:126 (The Meaning of the Romish Mass)

Haldeman, I. M. (Dr.)

20:8 (The Two Fold Coming, from How to Study the Bible), 56 (The Bible Christo-Centric)

Hanan, Denis (D. D., The Rectory, Tipperary)

1:215 (Letter, after being reproved in 1:159)

Harper, H. A.

3:115 (from the Quarterly Statement on Dr. Bliss)

Hastings, H. L.

21:118 (Destructive Critics, from Specimen Bricks)

Hechler, W. H. (Rev., British Chaplain at Vienna)

4:42 (Fulfilled Prophecy and God’s Word, in Conference Addresses)

Holland, L. (Pastor)

1:87 (Christ in the Psalms)

Hort (Dr., Reader in Divinity, University of Cambridge)

4:92 (review of his work: The Christian Ecclesia, in Selected Gleanings)

Hoyle, Arthur (Rev., of Leeds)

4:33 (The Teaching of Jesus, in Selected Gleanings)

Hunt, Holman (Quoted in Signs of the Times)

3:118 (from the Jewish World)

Hutchinson, A. B. (Rev., C.M.S., Fukuoka, Japan)

13:73 (Editorial, My Words, Not Mine But His); 14:91,100,113 (The Saviour and the Bible)

Irving, Edward

19:129 (The Coming of the Lord)

Isaacs, A. A. (Rev., M.A., of Leicester)

21:128 (Where are the Ten Tribes, from The Scattered Nation, Mag. Edited by Dr. C. Schwartz)

J. E. B.

3:34 (Poem, Perplexity)

J. E. M.

9:138 (Poem, The Shepherd of Souls)

J. G. B. (Referred in Selected Gleanings)

1:35, 55 (from The Present Testimony); 12:104

J. J. B. C. (7, Grove Terrace, West Kensington, W.)

13:15,53,66; 14:69,80,89,104,116,128; 15:19,20; 19:104, 116 (Initiation and the Mysteries);

20:70, 79, 80

Kelly, Howard A. (M.D., LL.D., Professor in Johns Hopkins University, U. S. A.)

20:114 (From Doubt to Faith, A Personal Testimony)

"Kingdom Tidings

3:115 (God Working for Those Waiting, in Selected Gleanings)

Knox, John

3:116 (in Selected Gleanings)

Lasher, G. W. (Dr.)

21:19 (Reformation and Regeneration)

Lear, Joseph E. (from Plymouth, England)

16:90 (Bible Word Study, "Aulē”)

Leask, William (D. D.)

3:139; 4:103 (Earth’s Curse and Restoration)

Leighton (Archbishop.  Born 1613)

8:31 (from Wisdom of Our Fathers), 116 (from Sermons)

Liesching, Louis

1:26, 164, 223; 2:50, 175

Lopps, W. (Regent Square)

3:132 (Letter to the Editor of The Figaro)

Lovely, George (Rev., of Ipswich)

2:179 (from Fragments Gathered Up, No. 11)

"Lunzc’s Almanac

5:30 ("Palestinian Statistics”)


3:116 (in Selected Gleanings)


2:113 (in Notes and Notices); 6:32 (in Things New and Old)

M. J. C. P.

13:33,44,58,60,83,91,104,105 (Papers on Jeremiah, The Prophet Priest of Anathoth)

MacKay, W. P. (M.D.)

20:115 (Three Days with David)

Maclaren, Alex.

20:108 (Definitions of Grace)

Maitland, Charles

21:82 (from The Apostle’s School of Prophetic Interpretation in Things New and Old)

Marsh, F. E. (Pastor, of Sunderland)

1:3, 84, 127, 183, 204; 2:129, 172; 3:51 (Threefold Appearing of Christ); 5:28, 103, 138; 6:114, 125, 138; 12:91 (from Vol. 1)

Marvin, E. P. (Rev.)

5:66 (in "What The Church is Not”)

Masters, R. J. (Editor/writer of Poems)

2:188, 201, 214; 3:46, 57

Mathieson, James E.

1:94, 120; 2:42, 44, 67; 3:76 (Rapture of the Saints); 8:92; 9:66; 10:66

Mauro, Philip (Counsellor)

13:69,78,94,103,114,128,139 (The World and its God); 14:6,20,43,56,67,126,139; 15:118; 16:123; 19:77 (The Work of Deceiving Spirits), 129; 20:94

McKay, G. P. (Rev.)

17:136 (Christ’s Sufferings and the After Glory, from The Watchtower, organ of the West Cliff Baptist Church, Bournemouth West); 20:53

Medhurst, T. W.

20:108 (Is Romanism Christianity?)

Merritt, Stephen

5:140 ("Him” or "It”, in Things New and Old)

Mill, George (from Warwick, Ontario, Canada)

4:135 (Biblical Study, in Contributed Articles)

Moor, Thomas (Excerpts from his Counsels and Thoughts for Believers, publ. Nisbet & Co.)

5:78,128; 6:32,56,67,81,91,102,115,127,139; 7:8 (Fear Not), 32 (Sweet Thoughts of Him), 105 (Glory in the Lord); 8:43; 9:67; 10:152, 214; 11:54, 94; 12:69

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